78 const double& iLongitude,
102 soci::statement&,
114 const double& iLatitude,
115 const double& iLongitude);
141 static void prepareSelectOnPlaceCodeStatement(soci::session&,
143 const std::string& iPlaceCode,
144 const std::string& iIcaoCode,
156 static void prepareSelectOnDocIDStatement (soci::session&, soci::statement&,
Class modelling the primary key of a location/POR (point of reference).
static void updatePlaceInDB(soci::session &, const Place &)
static NbOfDBEntries_T buildSQLDB(const PORFilePath_T &, const SQLiteDBFilePath_T &)
static void prepareSelectFromCodeStatement(soci::session &, soci::statement &, Place &)
unsigned int NbOfDBEntries_T
static void prepareSelectFromCoordStatement(soci::session &, soci::statement &, const double &iLatitude, const double &iLongitude)
Class modelling a place/POR (point of reference).
static bool iterateOnStatement(soci::statement &, Place &)
static void prepareSelectAllStatement(soci::session &, soci::statement &, Place &)
static bool retrievePlace(soci::session &, const LocationKey &, Place &)
std::list< Place * > PlaceOrderedList_T
static bool retrieveClosestPlaces(soci::session &, const double &iLatitude, const double &iLongitude, PlaceOrderedList_T &)
Class building the Business Object Model (BOM) from data retrieved from the database.